Self-Portrait Projects - “before” and “after” 12 hours of instruction
As part of the Accessible Workshops Program at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, The Branch Out Project gives the “Six Week Selfie Project” for people with Parkinson’s disease, their caregivers, and two Veteran‘s organizations; Veterans Empowered through ART, (V.E.T. Art) and the Veterans of Philadelphia Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education and Clinical Centers, (PADRECC). One participant wrote, “One day, toward the end of our program, I heard an individual holler, ‘Wow! I can draw! All my life I wanted to draw and never thought I could!’ I was just as happy (and inspired). In fact, the whole class, along with their caregivers, left there smiling…”
See the “before any instruction” drawings on the wall behind them. These are the results after just 12 hours of class instruction.
As part of Villanova Initiative for Engaging Women (VIEW), every summer since 2010, young high school women have participated in a self-portrait program offered by the Branch Out Project on Villanova University's campus.
Testimonials from the VIEW Participants:
"I am learning many new characteristics about myself. For one, I am not rushing around anymore. I don’t panic anymore when it comes to doing work. I take a deep breath and calm down. I am going to apply these skills to my homework and class work."
"Drawing this picture changed my emotional attitude. It now shows that I can’t get as frustrated as fast as I did before…I can correct my mistakes just as easy as it was for me to make them.… It also does help me look at ordinary things differently, I actually analyze the small details that no one else notices."
"I am usually a fast impulsive person. Most times, I just act off of impulse before I even think twice. But after learning the techniques of drawing I have begun to think before I act."
“I thought I hated drawing, but this showed I love it! This felt like the one skill I couldn’t master and now that I’ve got this, I can do anything!”