The idea that artists are innovators is well known, but what is less obvious are the benefits organizations and their leaders gain from directly engaging in the process artists use to create.  The Branch Out Project workshops enable organizations to experience this creative process firsthand.

Producing a work of art combines vision and inspiration with a mastery of technique and a systematic problem-solving approach. Through drawing, The Branch Out Project brings this approach to organizations and their members. In addition to developing drawing skills, the exercises help people identify and break through assumptions, see more options, and recognize the consequences of exercising those options. The Branch Out Project has helped over 2000 participants in nearly 50 organizations in business, government and education to develop the creative confidence and motivation in environments where the rules are constantly changing.


This approach has a number of benefits. When beginners are able to produce tangible results using techniques usually thought of as advanced, their confidence and desire for mastery increases.  As they identify other self-imposed constraints, they discover more of who they are and expand their ideas of what is possible.  Learn more about how these creative skills can be used in the workplace.


Tested and proven approach. Of nearly 400 participants who evaluated The Branch Out Project workshop, 90% gave it the top marks of excellent or very good.


Fun and Engaging. Because participants are usually not artists and drawing is not a required job skill, they find themselves as equals in unchartered territory.  Because the workshop is a shared experience very different from everyday work, participants cheer each other on, discover hidden strengths and see themselves and their coworkers in a new light.